We’ll leave Christchurch early Saturday 13 July and head towards Porters Pass. Starting at the bottom of Porters, head up the river for 5km and up Mt Torlesse. Across towards Red Peak, the Gap, Castle Hill Peak and down to Porters Pass. 20kms and 2120m of vert. This could be a long day (10+ hours), especially in winter, so the ability to move fast will be key.
Previous experience required: Good level of trail running fitness and comfortable in grade 1/2 mountains.
Gear required: Ice axe, crampons, helmet. Bonus points for any good trailpinism outfits.
Plan B: Push the trip back to Sunday 14 July.
Questions: If you have any questions about the trip, feel free to contact Simon Binney on social media or at [email protected]