
Intro to trad climbing 12-13th April 2025 sign up:


***Click on the link below for gear list and course description***

Gear list and course description

4 in stock

Trad Course

Your Details

You must be a CMC member to take part in this course.
CMC does not own any gear, if you do nt own all of the gear you may have to borrow from others, and share throughout the group. This can be discussed with the instruction officer before the course start.

Emergency Contact Details

Please share details of next of kin.
Declaration of Risk & Acknowledgement(Required)
I understand rock climbing involves inherent risks. I understand the instructors will take the utmost caution to manage all risks and ensure student safety but there still remains a residual element of risk in a outdoor rock climbing environment that may be beyond their control. I understand I am responsible for my own safety and will take great care to prepare appropriate for the course, conduct myself in a safe way on the rock, and listen to and comply with instructions at all times.
Refund Policy(Required)
There is a $50 non refundable deposit attached to this form. I understand that after signing up through this form, if I have to pull out of the course for any reason (including injury), I will receive the following refund depending on the time of cancellation before the course: More than 4 weeks = 100% refund (minus $50 deposit). 2-4 weeks = 80% refund. 5 days - 2 weeks = 50% refund. Less than 5 days = 0% refund. This is to protect the CMC from financial losses due to courses running below full capacity as the costs for guides are fixed regardless of participant numbers.
SKU: I2TC Category:


Gear list and course description

Prerequisite – Can lead climb and lead belay on sport routes. Grades are not important.

Instructors – Anna Scheirlinck. Ratio of 1 instructor to 4 students.

Objectives – In this 2 day course you will safetly learn:

  • The essence of trad climbing, learning from the ground up.
  • How to read routes and guides.
  • Learning how to place protection with cams, slings and nuts using the natural protection of the rock.
  • Building anchors that you can belay from.
  • The art of belaying including signals and vocal comunication.
  • Climbing techniques that will help you with trad climbing.
  • How to progress and different locations for trad climbing.

Dates: This course with run over Saturday and Sunday from approximately 8:30am – 5:00pm on the 12th and 13th of April.

Location: The course will meet at the base of the Port hills in Christchurch and ride share to the climbing crag. If neccessary due to bad weather, the YMCA will be used to teach the course, the cost will be included in the price. More details will be shared prior to the start of the course.

Cost: $350 per person (CMC members only)