Intro: This is a meet style trip staying up at cameron hut in the arrowsmiths
Leaders: George Headley
Date: 29th of September- 1st? of October
Itinerary: This will be a meet style trip were individuals groups will attempt there own trips around the area based on there capabilitys (and whos keen to do what) before catching up each night to chat and share storys, come along and have fun with new people!
Previous experience required: variation of skills required based on intended mission, at minimum must have mountaineering skills to a grade 1-1+ level!
Gear required: Proper mountaineering boots and fitted crampons, helmet, ice axe, avalanche gear, any other technical gear you might require if your aiming to do somthing more.
Plan B: An adventure up around goat pass up oates and or Franklin or at the very least – the YMCA!
Questions: If you have any questions about the trip, feel free to contact George Headley at [email protected]