For many, CMC trips are a starting point for joining the very welcoming community of Kiwi Mountaineers by meeting like-minded and similarly skilled adventure partners.

Thanks to CMC members organising CMC Club Trips, we can share our skills and knowledge with others and find like-minded/skilled adventure partners to enjoy the mountains around Canterbury and beyond.

While we run trips regularly throughout the year, other great opportunities to meet others reside in the CMC’s weekly rock climbing and monthly club nights—the seeds of many an epic have been planted through these nights!

Lead a Trip!

We are always looking for people to volunteer and lead trips. The Trips Officer will help you formulate your idea and advertise it to the club via the website, email, and Facebook group. Trips are easy to organise with our slick system!

  1. Send your CMC Club Trip plan to the Trips Officer: Send Email
  2. Alternatively, download the CMC Club Trip Template and email it to [email protected].

Any questions, get in touch with the Trips Officer: [email protected].

Upcoming Trips

  • Email the Trips Officer to open up your next trip to other members!

Recent Past Trips

Trips Directory

Keen for some inspiration for suitable mountaineering objectives? Have a look through the CMC Trips Directory and start planning your next mission!

Thursday Club Nights

Thursday nights are CMC club nights! Most Thursdays there will be an evening climbing session organised, either in the Port Hills throughout summer or at the YMCA or Uprising during winter. These typically start from 5pm and are finished off at a local pub for food & drinks afterward. Check the CMC Facebook Group for details, these are usually last minute by a club member.

Annual Trips

  • Kennedy Lodge Mid Winter Dinner, Arthur’s Pass
  • Wyn Irwin Christmas Dinner, Aoraki/Mt Cook Village
  • Three Passes Marathon – A weekend in February-March each year
  • CMC Trapping Line – Sealey Tarn, Mount Cook Village
  • Empress hut meet