At the start of 2021, the club was invited to adopt a trapping line in Mount Cook Village as part of the Predator Free 2050 Stoat Project. We are inviting all members to get involved on your next trip down to Mount Cook.

The project is coordinated by Hamish Reid for the CMC and David Sagar from the Department of Conservation Visitor Centre Aoraki Mt Cook. If you’d like to get please contact Hamish at [email protected].

What’s involved

The line needs to be checked once a month. We will send you all the details and provide all the tools you will need.

If it’s your first time, you will need to do an induction with DOC which takes 30mins or 1 hour. The induction includes instruction on trap setting, health and safety, and how to use the Trap.NZ App.

The line takes a couple of hours to check the 9 traps. All the traps are GPS located.

See the Trapping line info sheet for more details

January 2021Ben Mangan
February 2021Cam Mulvey
March 2021Nia-joelle Weinzweig
April 2021Cam Mulvey
May 2021Ruari MacFarlane + Looking for Volunteers
June 2021Paul Stevens
July 2021Hamish Reid
August 2021Volunteers Needed
September 2021?
October 2021?
November 2021?
December 2021?