Intro: This is a trip which will cater to newer/all members and is a great way of making like minded friends in the mountaineering community before winter!
Leaders: Darius M-W + Another
Date: 23-24th of March – travel to the base of the Edwards (Arthur’s Pass) on Friday.
Itinerary: After camping somewhere along the Edwards on Friday, we begin an awesome trip up the Edwards through a pristine nature valley before climbing Amber Col and traveling across to falling mountain a jaw dropping testimate to the quality of AP rock. After this will we climb down to Tarahuna Pass and across towards Lake Mavis, camping by one of the many stunning Alpine tarns on route. Finally if time allows we will climb Mt Oates before strolling out the Minga Valley to our cars before a lovely drive out on Sunday Night.
Previous experience required: Must be fit enough to carry a pack up 1200 metres climbing for a total of 6-8 hours each day for two days.
Gear required: Recommend a helmet, overnight gear, solid footwear and a smile – if you have questions please consult Darius regarding any other gear. Crampons will not be required.
Plan B: Mt Taylor in the Hakatere, Mt Cook region, or in the event of a true weather-bomb just a trail walk/run up Mt Richardson near Christchurch (to have an excuse to go to the pub afterwards), or at the very least – the YMCA!
Questions: If you have any questions about the trip, feel free to contact Darius – [email protected] or msg Darius M-W on FB