Intro: This year our annual mid-winter dinner will be held later in winter at Kennedy Lodge on the weekend of July 29-31. This also coincides with the NZAC Arthur’s Pass meet, so it will be a jovial weekend in Arthur’s Pass and the surrounding mountains! We will also be presenting the annual CMC Awards.
Leader: Alastair McDowell
Date: July 29-31. Arrive at Kennedy Lodge Friday evening from 6pm.
Itinerary: This is a climbing meet, so come along with a climbing partner, or note in the form comments section below if you’re looking for a partner and which routes/difficulty you’re targeting. Options include Mt Rolleston, Philistine, Mt Temple, Mt Phipps, Mt Aicken, Mt Avalanche, and many more nearby!
Previous experience required: Come prepared for whichever route you plan to undertake with your climbing partner. The hills will be snowy, so basic mountaineering skills will be required for all trips above snowline.
Cost: please pay your hut fees for the number of nights staying at Kennedy Lodge.
Any questions, email [email protected].