Leave Christchurch on Friday night to stay at Kennedy Lodge. On Saturday we will start at Bealy (Cora Lynn Road), head up to Lagoon saddle and onto Packard Peak. If the vibes are on point and we are making good time we could go for Thesis Peak.
Previous experience required: Comfortable on scree – or possess a strong smile and happy to walk a wee way up hill with minor scrambling. If your not sure of your ability I promise I’m friendly to talk to – be warned you may be asked to compensate for skill deficiency by bringing a certain number of marshmallow bags.
Gear required: warm and waterproof clothes, appropriate trail shoes / boots, helmet.
Plan B: Bring a raincoat and we will find a hill to go up.
Questions: If you have any questions about the trip, feel free to contact Darius M-W ([email protected]) or find me on facebook.