
Instructors: Al Moore, Jock Barr

Description: This course will provide a solid introduction to the world of mountaineering and is suitable for people with little or no prior snow or ice experience, or for people who need a refresher on skills. You will learn how to use an ice axe, walking in snow with & without crampons and how to self-arrest. We will also cover mountain weather, movement in the mountains, group management and basic navigation. Rope skills are not taught on this course.

Pre-requisites: Good fitness level, multi-day backcountry tramping experience.

Venue: Arthur’s Pass

Accommodation: Kennedy Lodge, Arthur’s Pass. BYO food and drink.

Gear list

Cost: $400 per person covers instruction and 2 nights at Kennedy Lodge

Date: Weekend 20th – 21st July, Arrive at Kennedy Lodge Friday night 7:30pm, finish Sunday afternoon 4pm.

Course full? Sign up to the Waiting List and you will be notified if there are drop outs.

Cancellations: The course will make every attempt to run no matter the weather requiring managing expectations, however it may be postponed to another date if need be. See the CMC refund policy if you wish to cancel your booking.

Course pre-reading: How to Start Mountaineering.

1 in stock

Instruction Registration

Please fill out this form to sign up to the course.
  • Your details

  • You must be a CMC member to attend this course as this course is generously subsidised by the CMC Fenwick Trust.
  • If you are not a member, please join the CMC first.
  • Course Details

    This information will help us ensure you are well prepared for the course.
  • Feel free to contact the Instruction Officer before signing up if unsure: [email protected]
  • Please note that CMC does not hire any gear. You will need adequately stiff boots for this course, flexible tramping boots will not be sufficient, but stiff tramping boots will be OK for an introductory course. If avalanche gear is required for this course, you must bring an avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe. It is best to book these from hire shops as early as possible before the course starts. Please contact the Instruction Officer if unsure: [email protected]
  • Emergency Contact Details

    Please provide contact details for your next of kin. Please inform this contact person you will be attending this course.
  • Declaration of Risk & Acknowledgement

    I understand the alpine environment involves inherent risks. I understand the instructors will take the utmost caution to manage all risks and ensure student safety but there still remains a residual element of risk in a mountaineering environment that may be beyond their control. I understand I am responsible for my own safety and will take great care to prepare appropriate for the course, conduct myself in a safe way on the mountain, and listen to and comply with instructions at all times.
  • Refund Policy

    The is a non-refundable $50 deposit for this course. I understand that after signing up through this form, if I have to pull out of the course for any reason (including injury), I will receive the following refund depending on the time of cancellation before the course: More than 4 weeks = 100% refund(minus $50 deposit) 2-4 weeks = 80% refund 5 days - 2 weeks = 50% refund Less than 5 days = 0% refund This is to protect the CMC from financial losses due to courses running below full capacity as the costs for guides are fixed regardless of participant numbers.
  • $ 0.00
SKU: I2M-1-2-1-1-2 Category:
