Intro: This is a trip which will cater to all comers keen to have fun climbing easy (grade1/1+) peaks in July.
Leaders: Adam Campbell and Wako Tanaka
Date: 16-17 July 2022. Travel to the lodge by Friday night.
Itinerary: Two day trips (both days) based out of the CMC Kennedy Lodge, Arthur’s Pass. Options are grade 1 or 1+ peaks eg Philistine, Temple, Cassidy-Blimit traverse, Mt Aicken. See here for more info on the peaks.
Previous experience required: Snowcraft/Intro to Mountaineering course or similar (must be confident with self arrest techniques and walking with crampons). Must be fit enough to carry a pack up 1200 metres climbing for a total of 6-8 hours each day for two days.
Gear required: Proper mountaineering boots and fitted crampons, helmet, ice axe. Harnesses, ropes and technical gear not required but ok to bring as we can mess about practicing and having fun with these if we have time.
Plan B: Mt Taylor in the Hakatere, Mt Cook region, or in the event of a true weather-bomb just a trail walk/run up Mt Richardson near Christchurch (to have an excuse to go to the pub afterwards), or at the very least – the YMCA!
Questions: If you have any questions about the trip, feel free to contact Adam: [email protected]