
Instructor: Anna Scheirlinck

Description: This 3 day course based in the Cragieburns is for those strong intermediate skiers who can comfortably ski off piste on club fields. This course will teach the fundamentals of ski touring, including setting an uphill skin track, finding the good snow to ski, and applying avalanche awareness to your route selection. You will learn about how to use ski’s as a mountaineer to approach an objective.

Pre-requisites: You will be walking uphill with ski’s and a pack on for atleast 600m, a good base level of fitness for the 3 days is required.

Venue: Cragieburns

Accomodation: Dorm room accomodation is provided in the price at Forrest Lodge at the base of Mt Cheeseman. This is self catered, bring your own foood and non chemical natural soap.

Gear list

Cost: $600 Per person

Date: Meet at Forrest lodge evening of Thursday 29th August. Finish at 4pm(ish) on Sunday 1st Ausgust.

Cancellations: The course will make every attempt to run no matter the weather requiring managing expectations, however it may be postponed to another date if need be. See the CMC refund policy if you wish to cancel your booking.


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SKU: I2SM Category: