
Instructors: Al Moore

Description: This course will provide a solid introduction to the world of mountaineering and is suitable for people with little or no prior snow or ice experience, or for people who need a refresher on skills. You will learn how to use an ice axe, walking in snow with & without crampons and how to self-arrest. We will also cover mountain weather, movement in the mountains, group management and basic navigation. Rope skills are not taught on this course.

Pre-requisites: Good fitness level, multi-day backcountry tramping experience.

Venue: Arthur’s Pass

Accommodation: Kennedy Lodge, Arthur’s Pass. BYO food and drink.

Gear list

Cost: $400 per person covers instruction and 2 nights at Kennedy Lodge

Date: Weekend 24th – 25th August, Arrive at Kennedy Lodge Friday night 7:30pm, finish Sunday afternoon 4pm.

Course full? Sign up to the Waiting List and you will be notified if there are drop outs.

Cancellations: The course will make every attempt to run no matter the weather requiring managing expectations, however it may be postponed to another date if need be. See the CMC refund policy if you wish to cancel your booking.

Course pre-reading: How to Start Mountaineering.

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SKU: I2M-1-2-1-1-1-1-1 Category:
